Call Forwarding

Easy call forwarding keeps your business connected

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Discover Call Forwarding With Zeotel

Call forwarding is great for small business owners who are busy focusing on their business and need to have their phones professionally managed and routed to them.

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Call Forwarding Allows You to Manage Calls From Anywhere

Call Forwarding lets you forward your extension to a cell phone, landline telephone or another employee. For instance, when you leave the office for lunch you may want to forward your extension to your cell phone so you don't miss an important call. Instead of your office telephone ringing your cell phone will ring instead. Our webPanel customer account interface allows easy call forwarding on the fly. An alternative to call forwarding is find-me/follow-me, which can call an outside phone number or other employee simultaneously or in sequence, and then return to Zeotel voicemail system if there is no answer. Call forwarding is great for small business owners who are busy focusing on their business and need to have their phones professionally managed and routed to them. It gives you more flexibility with your work schedule which is invaluable for any small business owner or entrepreneur.

We can take your business to new heights

Get started at Rs. 499/- per month

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